Nova Scotia Archives

Built Heritage Resource Guide

Real Estate Registers

The Nova Scotia Archives holds several real estate registers, 1877-78 and 1902. These catalogues list properties to be sold or leased, primarily in Halifax but also including a few from elsewhere in the province:

  • Wakefield and Naylor, Halifax & Provincial Real Estate Register..., 1877 [V/F, vol. 10, no. 15]
  • Naylor, John, Halifax and Dominion real estate register, Halifax, March and June 1878 [AK/ F91/ H13R]
  • Naylor, John, Nova Scotia real estate register: a catalogue [of properties] to be sold or let in Halifax and neighbourhood, and the province generally, 1902 [V/F, vol. 282, no. 38]

Halifax & Provincial Real Estate Register

Date: 1877

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Library: V/F Vol. 10 no. 15

Topic: Real Estate Registers

Nova Scotia Real Estate Register

Date: 1902

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Library: V/F Vol. 282 no. 38

Topic: Real Estate Registers

"Old House at Willow Park Owned by the Piers Family"

Date: 19?

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Collection: Places: Halifax: Houses: Piers House

Topic: Real Estate Registers


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