A Documentary Study of The Establishment of Negroes in Nova Scotia between The War of 1812 and the Winning of Responsible Government
Date: 1948
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Library Publication Number 8
Appendix 1: Letter from Hon. Charles Morris, Surveyor General, to the Lieutenant Governor JC. Sherbrooke, regarding the settlement of the Black Refugees and the best location for that purpose
Date: 6 September 1815
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 420 number 76
Appendix 2: Return of Men of Colour Settling in Preston
Date: 1815
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 20 series C volume 88 number 169
Appendix 3: Names of Black Refugees who are settled upon lands conveyed to them by Henry H. Cogswell at the head of the North West Arm, Halifax
Date: 2 November 1815
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 420 number 93
Appendix 4: Mr. Theophilus Chamberlain to Hon. Charles Morris, Surveyor General, relating to Black settlement at Preston: their condition and prospects
Date: 11 November 1815
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 41
Appendix 5: Report of Lands cleared by the People of Colour in the Settlement of Preston - 9th May 1816
Date: 9 May 1816
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 421 number 3
Appendix 6: List of American Black Refugees settled on the Windsor Road
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 420 number 133
Appendix 7: Letter from Theophilus Chamberlain to Surveyor General Charles Morris regarding land relinquished at Preston for the use of the Black Refugees and lands to be granted in compensation
Date: 16 November 1817
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 101
Appendix 8: Report of His Majesty's Council on lands to be relinquished at Preston
Date: 11 December 1817
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 102
Appendix 9: Licence of occupation from Lieutenant Governor Dalhousie for lots at Refugee Hill, Township of Halifax, to Pompey Cooper and others, with plan attached. Given under hand and seal at arms at Halifax
Date: 27 March 1818
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 36
Appendix 10: A list of the Black people settled at Preston, with the numbers of their lots. Inspected 24 to 26 August 1818
Date: 26 August 1818
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 90
Appendix 11: License from Lieutenant Governor Lord Dalhousie to Sampson Butler and a number of other Black Refugees to occupy certain lots of land at Hammonds Plains, signed by Lord Dalhousie. Without date and not recorded
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 119
Appendix 12: A return of the number of Black Refugees and their families settled at Hammonds Plains
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 422 number 19
Appendix 13: Copy of a land grant to William Day and a number of other Black Refugees at Hammonds Plains. (Marked duplicate grant and signed by Governor)
Date: 20 October 1834
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 120
Appendix 14: No. of lots in Hammonds Plains
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 20 series C volume 88 number 185
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